

CONXENTRA is company that is member of the Van Drie Group located in Canedole Roverbella, in Mantova. It is mainly deals with ""concentrates"", increasing the content of dry matter of liquid whey coming from the surrounding dairies, obtained from the production of Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano.

The Company was founded in 2005 and since 2011 has been part of Zoogamma S.p.A.
In recent years to optimize and improve the delicate phase of concentrating whey, CONXENTRA has installed two innovative new systems that use cutting-edge technology, known as ""falling film evaporation"". The first exploits the mechanical compression of steam and focuses the whey from 6% to 30%, while the second fase uses direct evaporation to get the concentration from 30% to 60%.

For whey concentrate at 30-32% dry matter, a portion (about 50%) is sent as a semi-finished product to clients producing food for human consumption, as Conxentra is in possession of the necessary authorizations. The rest is sent directly to farmers and is used in for use in the diet of white meat calves.

Thanks to its highly technological production plants, CONXENTRA today, is able to work 24 hours a day for 7 days a week, without interruption to the production process. It has, at full operation the ability to process about 1,000 tons of whey per day. This allows the company to ensure availability of whey concentrate, seven days a week with great timeliness in delivery.

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